Seeded distance map

This example shows how to use the seeded distance map command. The example creates simple geometry consisting of four spheres, and calculates seeded distance map using an arbitrary point inside the top-left sphere as a seed point.

def seeded_distance_map():
        Demonstrates calculation of a seeded distance map.

        # Create geometry
        geometry = pi.newimage(ImageDataType.UINT8, 50, 50, 50)
        pi.sphere(geometry, [15, 15, 25], 10, 255)
        pi.sphere(geometry, [15, 15 + 18, 25], 10.0, 255)
        pi.sphere(geometry, [15 + 18, 15 + 18, 25], 10.0, 255)
        pi.sphere(geometry, [15 + 22, 15, 25], 10.0, 255)
        pi.writetif(geometry, output_file("sdmap_geometry"))

        # Create seeds
        seeds = pi.newlike(geometry)
        pi.set(seeds, [24, 19, 25], 255)
        pi.writetif(seeds, output_file("sdmap_seeds"))

        # Calculate seeded distance map
        sdmap = pi.newlike(geometry, ImageDataType.FLOAT32)
        pi.sdmap(seeds, geometry, sdmap)
        pi.writetif(sdmap, output_file("sdmap_result"))
Seeded distance map

The geometry (left) and seed points (middle) given as input to the seeded distance map algorithm. The resulting output distance map (right). Only the central slice of each volume image is shown.