
Syntax: pruneskeleton(vertices, edges, edge measurements, edge points, maximum length, disconnect straight-through nodes, remove isolated nodes)

Prunes a traced skeleton. Removes all edges that end in a node with no other branches connected to it (degree = 1) and whose length is less than specified value.

This command cannot be used in the distributed processing mode. If you need it, please contact the authors.


vertices [input & output]

Data type: float32 image

Image where vertex coordinates are stored. See tracelineskeleton command.

edges [input & output]

Data type: uint64 image

Image where vertex indices corresponding to each edge are stored. See tracelineskeleton command.

edge measurements [input & output]

Data type: float32 image

Image where properties of each edge are stored. See tracelineskeleton command.

edge points [input & output]

Data type: int32 image

Image that stores some points on each edge. See tracelineskeleton command.

maximum length [input]

Data type: real

Edges shorter than this are pruned if they are not connected to other edges in both ends.

disconnect straight-through nodes [input]

Data type: boolean

If set to true, all straight-through nodes (nodes with degree = 2) are removed after pruning. This operation might change the network even if no edges are pruned.

remove isolated nodes [input]

Data type: boolean

If set to true, all isolated nodes (nodes with degree = 0) are removed after pruning. This operation might change the network even if no edges are pruned.