
Syntax: get(image, output, positions, block origin)

Reads multiple pixels from an input image. In distributed operating mode, the output and positions images must fit into the RAM.

This command can be used in the distributed processing mode. Use distribute command to change processing mode from local to distributed.


image [input]

Data type: uint8 image, uint16 image, uint32 image, uint64 image, int8 image, int16 image, int32 image, int64 image, float32 image

Image where the pixels are read from.

output [output]

Data type: uint8 image, uint16 image, uint32 image, uint64 image, int8 image, int16 image, int32 image, int64 image, float32 image

Values of the pixels read from the input image are stored in this image. The size of the image will be set to the number of pixels read.

positions [input]

Data type: float32 image

Positions of pixels to read. Each row of this image contains (x, y, z) coordinates of a pixel to read from the input image. The size of the image must be 3xN where N is the count of pixels to read.

block origin [input]

Data type: 3-component integer vector

Default value: “[0, 0, 0]”

Origin of current calculation block in coordinates of the full image. This argument is used internally in distributed processing. Set to zero in normal usage.