
Syntax: orientationdifference(phi, theta, alpha, phim, thetam)

For each pixel \(x\), calculates angle between \((\phi(x), \theta(x))\) and \((\phi_m, \theta_m)\) and assigns that to the output image.This command does the same calculation than what mainorientationcolor command does, but outputs the angular difference values instead of color map, and does not weight the output values by the original geometry in any way.

This command can be used in the distributed processing mode. Use distribute command to change processing mode from local to distributed.


phi [input]

Data type: float32 image

The azimuthal angle of the local orientation direction. The angle is given in radians and measured from positive \(x\)-axis towards positive \(y\)-axis and is given in range \([-\pi, \pi]\).

theta [input]

Data type: float32 image

The polar angle of the local orientation direction. The angle is given in radians and measured from positive \(z\)-axis towards \(xy\)-plane. The values are in range \([0, \pi]\).

alpha [output]

Data type: float32 image

The output image. The values are in range \([0, \pi/2]\).

phim [input]

Data type: real

The azimuthal angle of the main orientation direction in radians.

thetam [input]

Data type: real

The polar angle of the main orientation direction in radians.